Ich habe mir das nicht angesehen, aber habe das Gefühl es könnte Videocontent für die beiden sein egal ob es gut oder schlecht ist
[15F] I play volleyball, and I really enjoy training and improving my skills. Do you practice any sport? If you do, which one is it, and are you good at it?
Round 5: Daniel’s google search
this seems interesting so why not
*sigh* it's the fucking number game, I only blocked MISC to remain anon (other posts had image format issues)
I slept in my EC shirt and woke up in Rehab
Since German elections were a few weeks ago, who would you have voted for?
I just turned 18 and I have covid :(
I slept in my Sabaton shirt and woke up as a father
!Wrong answer only! What is the name of this flag
Why's your child named "Inmate 4859?"
Nova rock acoustic
Give me ur favorite album and I’ll tell you if it’s valid or not
Sie sahen die Zukunft
[F15] what song am I
This is peak music. Prove me wrong
[13F] Happy women's Day!! 🎀
Which one of these conspiracy theories do you believe?
You are sitting down. You have to piss really fucking bad. There is a cat fast asleep on your lap. What do you do?
[13F] hey guysssss (say hi back.)
Would you rather have mashed potatoes as hear or sweat mayonese
My friends cat bunny/meow
my first time wt analog camera, what fo u think of em+how can i improve?