Not OOP. AITA for hiding the location of my best friend from my wife?
David wallace!! One of the best character BUT.... don't you guys think he was too biased towards jim?
Father and husband of the year
AITA for being the one to file divorce papers instead of my wife?
Am I wrong for asking my gf to do the chores?
Trying to create a new post which portrays his gf as terrible after in his original post he was the biggest idiot
AITAH for getting mad at my girlfriend for playing a harmful prank?
Went on a date. Plain and simple
My wife is sad because I got my close friend gourmet ice cream when she was sick. Am I wrong?
The entitlement is strong
AITA for calling my friend a cheapskate for refusing to attend my bachelorette?
Gross 🤮
roommate just reported me to the RA over nothing ??
DAY 10: Angela Martin’s most wholesome moment.(level:hard)
BPD “e-girl” update
She went on tv to try and reconnect. Mmkay
*Update* AITAH for refusing my mother's proposal for "family's therapy" after she neglected me for 18 years?
Not OOP TIFU by putting "BJs" for two hours on my calendar at work
I chose to go with my fiancée’s decision not to include a friend of my in our wedding.
Am I not attractive?
Realization: Michael wouldn’t have replaced Pam with the new system anyway
Tow wrongs don’t make it right buddy
AITA for reporting my local smoke shop the the state controller?
Not even trying anymore with these posts
AITAH for Going Through with a Last Minute Arranged Marriage After My Original Bride Called Off the Wedding ?
I get the feelings there’s more to it
AITA for admitting to my son that I love his mother more than him and telling him he's acting self centered?