I made a stackmat timer by myself!
Not able to use onSuccess in React Query.
My son is very tech savvy, would python be a good introduction to coding or is there anything more kid friendly? He is 7.5
Why do I put the mayo upside down but not the ketchup?
Is it true that you should put mayo upside down but ketchup the other way?
How to make computation in website
How many hours do you have? How long does it take for you to complete each difficulty?
What do you do when the ghost just isn't doing anything?
need help with HTML and CSS
do people play with newbies?
Deneyebildiğim tüm IDE'lerde aynı hatayı alıyorum. Kodla bir bağlantısı yok sanırım çünkü düz printf("Hello") ; yazınca da aynı hatayı veriyot. Yardım eder misiniz?
Help needed
Why exists programming languages like "COW", "Brainfuck", "LOLCODE", etc?
how do i deal with faster ghosts while looping?
If you must describe frontend and backend as colours, what colour are they?
Different tables for user log in details and profile? What strictly goes in the login details table?
I'm not a designer but I'm trying something. Care to comment?
Learning Javascript!!!
structuring of a desktop application
How do I approach learning vs applying the knowledge? I am afraid of using what I know and then finding a better way to do it and have to start again.
react website issues
Playing this with a buddy lately and we're having a blast.
How to build my own npm packages?
What is this called
Is there any fix for the in game chat volume?