In your view which girl it's the best
Some obervations after playing Dhalsim for a bit
Been obsessed with chicken katsu and I made the gf replica
I'm legit going to report this. Absolutely ridiculous
Just got everybody to Master and wanna talk about it, AMA
How do you "have fun" when you're not very good?
Are 4k discs worth it?
Characters SF6
Fanarts by me
Question what’s better
Caugth a cheater. Script went haywire
Sniper Elite: Resistance PS5 Download Size: 72.539 GB, Version: 1.01/1.001.000
Does anyone here own these artbooks?
Quick question.
Shooting war games
Are they pipes for a toilet and sink?
Trying these cheeses pops tonight for the first time
👀 spotted banza pizza at my Costco for the first time!!
Looking for genuine friends in mississauga
How many mistakes did Cammy make in this fight?
Moving out and found my old copy of SSFIV back from high school. I miss this era. What memories do you have with this game?
What food do you miss the most?
Dude rage quit on the first match so before blocking him I went to his fighter profile, this is the most cursed pie chart I've ever seen.
Pringles dupe