Guess my country and tell me my phenotype
My favouritee photos from my first official shoot!
i might actually just end my shit man
how to look better after cutting my hair? before vs after
I know i look ugly. Any advice ?
Need help, bad side profile
what can i do to improve my looks? f19
As Ukrainian do I looks like Mediterranean people?
DNA Similarity between Poland and Europe (Y-DNA)
First testosterone cycle results 500mg/week for 20 weeks 19yo with pics. How did I respond
[20] to [26] Face didn’t improve much by my body looks better
1 or 2? (I’m single asf🥲)
Dating a prostitute
What is more of a flaw for men, wide set ot close set eyes?
What's my phenotype? Where would you say I'm from?
I posted one mirror selfie.
brunette or blonde?
23M anyone got any fashion advice?
Guys am I ugly ? 21M
Ages (21) - (24)
Do women actually like men with long hair? What are your guys thoughts on being assumed fruity or gay just for having long hair?
(17) (pic at the top) to (21) (all the other pics below) Trans girl. Does this qualify as a glowup? I assume many of you will say ''No'' but I am still happy about my transition.
(18) to (19)
Could I become a model?
Does This guy look albanian to you?