Curious: If you are biracial but one of your races is not plainly evident in your appearance, does that upset you?
What does your ancestry timeline look like? Do you find it accurate?
Racist family members on Ancestrydna
Genuine question
Does my Grandfather’s results suggest Jamaican/Caribbean connections?
My cat got spayed today
The survivors of sexual abuse on this sub, do you care to share your stories?
What texture hair do i have?
Back Acne i think
Not having the ‘ideal’ nose
Average 100% Black guy(non-A.A.)+ pics
For those of you who are a mix that doesn't include white, or don't look white, how do you deal with self-hate?
What’s your best, little-known fact about the Menendez brothers and their case?
AI is too scary
Lyle & Erik’s Nephew
have you guys seen this one live last night?
hi! I am wondering if anyone who knows they have Prussian ancestry, what DNA region did you get? I got Eastern European and Russian and a small percentage of Baltics
Black American (ADOS) results +pic
Laughing at how basic these are
African-American Ancestry results and picture
19 ancestral regions before the update…
Anyone else have a racist white parent that hated your other race but didn't hate YOU? (White+Black here)
Black White people is it just me or as a baby I was whiter then I am now?
Do you consider people who have two mixed parents to be mixed?
Does anyone else get “the emotion”?