“There has never been another nation that has existed much beyond 250 years”
Ackeradolf hilft beim Angriffskrieg auf Ukraine
Allegedly, a Russian soldier was filmed riding on a horse towards the frontline in the Donetsk Oblast.
G2 challenge: Don't enter Khorinis
Was bin ich sehend?
We could do with some more non English posts around here to alienate non-euros
Most sophisticated meal for Barries
Musk’s backing could sway Polish presidential elections - Polish authorities“must be ready to protect our democratic process, the foreign minister said.
AFD CDU und BSW sind das gleich scheinbar
Welches Argument zieht bei eher unpolitischen Menschen in eurem Bekanntenkreis am ehesten um sie von linker Politik zu überzeugen?
All cats are beauties?!
Cat police investigating the recent cat burglars.
Wie toll und liebenswürdig sind Esel bitte? Graue Kumpel.
Donkey reunited with the girl who raised it.. 🥺
Was meine Cousine in die Familiengruppe schickt…
The Eternal City 🏛️😍
Was die Vorschläge der Parteien jedem Bürger finanziell bringen
Diese Mythen über Mittelalter das kannst du vergessen:
8 Gründe, Die Linke zu wählen
Andere Parteien vs Die Linke
Meine Erststimme geht an die Grüne, meine Zweitstimme an die Linke
Greenland, Canada and Mexico will be paying state taxes by winter
Improving continental novelties
These "Curly-Wurly" style rolls I got from Aldi are very tasty but they're a bit awkward to toast
On this day 154 years ago some Prussian dudes were hanging out at the palace of Versailles
Rechte/ Konservative überzeugen, nur wie?
Im so sorry for my brothers…