If you could only eat ONE Malaysian food for the rest of eternity, what would it be and why?
Proposed to my girlfriend
You can have an extra $1000 per month but once a month an invisible elephant will relieve itself on your front porch.….
Which skin did you choose
Mizuki's new card has transflag colours!
Siblings Income affect Scholarship chances?
someone left fanny open
Mama found outside with babies - 3 weeks later
Just to remind you how "healthy" Vitagen is
When you realize uni exams are just a glorified game of Who Can Stay Calm While Drowning?
little blue cottage on the island (I pretend I live in animal crossing) 🏝️🍑🍒🍐🍊
28M First time living alone, 3 months in
mistakes were made
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
What Qol updates that we might need in future..
Progress check
Dog spaghetti splits a cobra.
On this day 11 years ago , MH370 disappeared over the Southern Indian Ocean
Immediate family member went berserk on me because I decided to pursue my studies at IPTS
Let my dog makan my d***o 😭
So another horny looking operator in this anime military game
Resonator Highlights | Brant
Oh no! You and your favorite character mysteriously swap bodies for the next week, what happens to both of you?
Unpopular or controversial opinions about the game, I start
why did my cat do this??