type "dutch wants me to ... " and let the autocorrect finish the rest
Guess who!!
The seven deadly sins missy is Envy. Who is Wrath?
You mean to tell me Silver was planning on winning the Sekai Taikai with this team?
Hypothetical Situation - Aliens
Anything I should know before buying?
Need advice. Should I shoot my shot?
Should I get the PS5 or PS5 Slim?
Can anyone other than Robby actually win the Sekai Taikai?
Joey’s kids were made to be hated, who’s the hot one
Stephanie was fan favorite, now made to be hated
Cobra Kai Season 6: Part 1 (Overall Discussion)
What do you guys do for your birthday?
Ask me a question about Red Dead but edit it so I look stupid
Recruiting. The Cult of the Red Ram
He was not worthy
Under New Management bugged?
I know he has a doppelgänger
Thief Build worth it?
I'm just gonna say it.
Is this fixable?
Am I tripping or is that nazeem😂
What grade did y'alls band start marching?