J Cole has some of the most delusional fans in hip hop
As much as I hate the Texans...
Advice on Resume
What is the best Kanyes Collab album?
What was everyone's problem with She-Hulk?
Should I find a new job once I get my CAD certification? Am I getting paid enough?
Women legit believe that there is no such thing as a below average looking woman
Q4ALL: What are the advantages of being the Nice Guy?
Rising women's complains today about dating do not add up to the reality of their sexual privilege
Just realizing how miserable people seem here (guys and girls)
Women can get away with infidelity and abuse more easily than men.
Most guys are just needy, insecure, and feminine to properly court a woman and keep them in love forever.
Those who don’t agree with the red pill. What advice that isn’t red pilled would you give to those who struggle with dating?
The documentary really demonstrates the decline in Kanye’s music ambitions and quality.
Kanye’s audio engineer (same guy who put out the Wasnt Me post) just posted this
"Just be yourself" is a terrible advice
remember His will
What is wrong with people when it's comes to ye.
Unfortunately this is exactly what would have happened. Hit hard.
Facts or not?
Kim had Ye out in NYC helping her out with fits for SNL and shit. Then kissed ole boy in front him and went on to start dating ole boy? Nah she deserves this smoke….. 🍿🍿
Ye on how Travis made sure he was able to be at the party
We’re too quick to forget
HELP! Currently caught up in a DILLEMMA with my prospective job. Is SummitWorks a SCAM or WORTH IT?