The Gate of The Feral Gods Hardcover Giveaway
Lexi Untucked
Favorite Michelle Visage quotes?
Other favorite oddball rappers
Mathew Lesko is a god damned hero and Jordan would love him.
You have only $10, pick your pro bending team.
How did you discover Aes?
You get lucky and the collapse occurs at the best possible moment for you preparation wise:
Doing it in a theater
Best margarita in Brooklyn?
I forgot that I had this vid saved
[Hated Trope] When a villain’s motivations are too reasonable, so the writers make them do out of character immoral acts to make them seem more evil
What’s your best “they must have had a lot of fun making this” movie?
Varg Vikerness Achievement
Who would you want his last match to be against
Who are you going with?
My wife rented a movie theater and I need suggestions
ULPT ask: How do we get rid of Musk and Trump? I have $17.81 in my checking account and a small coffee table that I can contribute
What's a good job for an NYC anarchist like myself?
Enchanted Hairbrush of the Beefmaster
Where to go with visiting parents in Brooklyn?
That's it I'm tired of the hate name something you like about the legend of korra
What's a role that rubbed off on an actor/actress and permanently changed their personality off screen?
Hope this one gives you a chuckle
Hard Boiled Punk Franky ~ by me