Not sure if I am satisfied with the result :/
How reading Trench Crusade lore feels sometimes
Healer Main and I'm Exhausted already..
Knocked out this dude for my KT
How to paint with colors and battle damage like this image?
Is the game actually unbalanced?
As we now have Fulgrim revealed how are we spectating he will be introduced into the story again?
Wrote a paper for 6 hours and then looked at the wall next to me... a surreal moment.
Little guy held the line.
All of you want deadpool and other heroes but I want this mfer
Little guy held the line for a full battleround
Repainting my krieg i never used in the last edition
Every year my brother and I make a random ginger break house:this year it's a motorcycle
Finding joy in PoC
2025 release predictions
new points have dropped
Slaves to Darkness Goonhammer Review
Raise corrupt banners and transform heroes into daemon princes in Battletome: Slaves to Darkness
Regarding the changes to EoTG + Marks --
[A3][Request][US MST] Looking for a good 40k or star wars unit
Pc disconnects from internet as soon as I start most online games.