So what officer defeat line lives rent free for you.
What are your "absolutely no..." rules for your fantasy world?
Venáil mission "New Settlements"
Most people say they would survive an Isekai by using modern knowledge and invent. What do you know enough about it's workings to reinvent?
So i had an idea for an isekai anime.
Is the fear that your/your spouse's parenting styles/habits will ruin your relationship not a good reason to be CF?
Why does everyone hate children now?
After 2.5 years and planning a future together, bf decided he thinks he wants kids
What's your dumbest reason not to have kids?
What happens to the consciousness that was replaced??
My birth certificate says I was born in 1670, not 1970, making me 354 years old, instead of 54. Is there any fun, legal way I can exploit this to my benefit?
What's the most realistic solution to Russia-Ukraine crisis?
If FF X were to be remade, would you want the combat to stay turn based or become real time?
Yuna from FFX - still the most beautiful woman in gaming history?
Why people keep saying Ukraine cant win?
What are some of the worst things to get into a discussion about isekai?
What's your opinion on lorebreaking mods?
Why is 13 considered "the worst one"?
Elf gathering
What are the things about isekai you absolutely hate?
What's the better fantasy world for you? Western Fantasy or Eastern Fantasy
Yuna Is The Best Final Fantasy Female Character.
What Video Game Clichés do you Hate and Why?
What is a modded addition that you are so used to that the game feels strange without it?
Which nations can you form into as a custom nation?