My brother in law got a DUI.
Need a unique strong boy name
Full NewsNation video of the "egg" UAP
Thoughts on this super fast light that shot up from the woods like a reverse meteor this morning?
Is it a red flag if a guy you’ve just started dating asks you to delete all the guys from your Snapchat and erase your Facebook completely?
Can't decide on a name that fits him
Roadtrip ideas inbetween Fairbanks to Homer
Weird thermal video caught hunting coyotes
If you need some motivation today
Secure your sh*t before driving down the highway!!!
Gull trying to eat a starfish
Looking for giveaway offering gmax toxtricity first guy who guesses my favorite number gets it (registed instant unregisted 30 days) tip: its not over 999
Any enlisted aviators in here?
Anybody from the Alaska Air National Guard here?
Has anyone seen any action as a civilian?
Should I get my bird a buddy?
GWOT Vets. Did the Vietnam Vet warn you about what might happen knowing what happened with the Global War on Terror?
Sun conure/Hahn's Macaw Hybrid
What's the best picture you have from your time in service?
Another object supposedly shot down over the great lakes today.
Maybe it’s just my neighborhood but I’ve seen 0 trump signs and a dozen Harris/Walz … what is this Sarasota?!
Dive knife rusting
Looking for Primary Care recomendations.