Only one thing can comfort me now that I’m grieving tiktok
What's the point of the TikTok ban?
Click for Click - Tiktok Referral Megathread
I don't understand the point of the ban.
Hammer focused gameplay?
When does it start to feel exciting or fun?
Can managers deny a call-in even if it's related to a family emergency?
Stealth game that isn’t scary/for grown ups
Is it morally wrong to get my baby's ears pierced
Be honest, when is the last time you hugged your Dad?
What is gun proficiency in BL1 for?
AIO I’m not in the mood to call my girlfriend
Type your username name with eyes closed.
Need help with GE3 Ally skills
Is the hammer meant to solely focus on the head?
Anyone looking for gamer friends because I got none
Is this outfit “wildly inappropriate”????
Young people scared to death when paying with cash.
Why are bare feet considered gross?
Rugged wear gloves
Is it normal for a 15M to suddenly dislike their own father?
One Way Doors
Comment and I will find your avatar lookalike