Do I buy a Mw AK-47 fire serpent or save up a few hundred more and get a Ft Awp Desert Hydra?
What’s the point of premium tier 9s?
I heard it would be bad but holy crap
Thanks to Rambo the Tank, I feel much better with Felice
What tank to buy with bonds?
there goes my loot boxes gold
It’s that time
Do these expire at all? Including after s1?
Black Friday “sale”
I might have watched him a bit too much
What vehicles/tier you use for Felice BP grind and how far are you rn?
Range suggestions around Crawford County
Marking Cent AX
Games like prison architect?
Why are my chrome rims turning black?
What tank is your favourite to play?
What is ur guys comfort tank if u had a bad session?
$50 Steam Gift Card (Any Region) Fall Giveaway! (REPOST - LET'S TRY IT AGAIN lol)
Welp, finally got a Steam Deck without using any money! (Community market only!)
Which one should I get?
I think it’s done… for now
Think I’m done now
I need opinions