6’, 190 to 220, 1 year
Workout 4-5 times a week for 8 years. 29 years old. How can I gain more strength?
Leg update post weight loss
Is this considered an attractive physique by majority of people? Kinda feel disappointed seeing the new norm..
Lean bulk is going well 💪🏼
Be honest how do I look and should I be bulking or cutting? 5’11 164lbs
Anavar or HGH when it comes to growth for a female?
How's my back?
Dbol or primo for good recomp gains?
2 years: 6’, 170 to 220: keep bulking?
Some of my recent physique updates I send to my coach. Looking forward to seeing how I I show up on stage this year.
Day 10 anavar female
JiaJia Shi
Coming off Primo / Mitigating Voice Damage
Test prop. Questions!
Primo solo or with test
Buffblondie flexing
[Off-Topic] Daily Chat: 2024-09-19
Crashed estrogen/ aromasin / panick attacks, shortness of breath
Daily Ask Anything About Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids: 2024-08-13
Daily Ask Anything About Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids: 2024-08-07
Clen Expectations
Voice change
Bulk on anavar