Why does Bonnie hate Joe so much?
What fuels the obsession that some young women have with looking like celebrities?
Are rice cakes really that bad?
Are flat woman viewed as less desirable? Why or why not?
What’s the worst thing that Brian has done to Stewie?
What are the worst things that Stewie has done to Brian?
Selena Gomez is glowing lately, what do you rate her?
Do people think that young Sarah Jessica Parker was attractive?
Woman above 25 do you find timothee chalame attractive ?
Do you think a great body can make someone more attractive if their face isn’t considered conventionally attractive?
Who was the most attractive U.S president in their youth?
What’s something that instantly makes someone undateable?
Guy that I’m seeing is small down there
Friend goes ghost on me and doesn’t reply to my texts often.