Oh man
Pleb from the Factory.
Some people just don’t want help.
Talk crap on goon tape all you want this stuff is great.
G$ ssa-e and talon safety?
Phantom arrows
What do you think a reasonable price would be for this Glock 19 Gen 4
My first
First can!
January 2024 Approval Megathread
Why so many Indians
Feel like this was a good purchase at 1.5k in nearly new condition.
Daily reminder that Centurion Arms still fucks
How dangerous is this?
All black like my wife's boyfriends
How far down do I aim?
Bathroom carry
Vickers slings fuck.
What should be the next pickup?
So this happened today.
This is the year I get a can.
Christmas SOTD
What’s your favorite cheap fragrances?
Niche smells based on my current favourites