FB Market Find!
RCA XL100 Adjusting?
Info needed!
took a few days of coding, but now i can simply pop a memory card into my portable ut2 NAS drive and all new raw files will be automatically sent off for editing
Current Desk Set Up CRTx9
Local Dump Find!
Yay or nay?
Found a Treasure Trove of Smut
495lbs x 1 Squat and
White lines and faint black Bars
Squat 475x1
Deadlift Form Check
Deadlift 495lbs x 1
Tortured By The Dream of Gains | Berserk Invicta Kuru Gym Bag, wrist straps, and lever belt
What Vehicle Do You Use for Wedding Photography? Looking for Recommendations
Squat PR 465lbs
Advice on switching from Fuji
My perfect Studio Display stand!
New PR 460
545lbs × 5 reps - Deadlift
Got our first Trick or Treaters!
First book that scared me!
Sleep deprived creation