Worried about supply
Went 10hr 45mins without a feed!
Wearable pumps cost way too much to just not work 😭
The only thing that keeps me pumping is the cost of formula
Does tummy time count if it's on my chest?
Weekly Discussion - Relationships
We have no village
Bad moms don't worry about being bad moms
Everyone needs to know about cow's milk protein allergy!
I can’t tell if it’s hormones or if I genuinely can’t stand my husband anymore.
I wish there was more education provided for new parents in hospitals after delivery
Post partum is kicking my ass 4 weeks after birth
I give major props to newborn photographers lol
Pregnant again.. scared.
You friends with your coworkers?
Best place to work?
Why do you act nicely around certain people you really hate?
Baby sucks fist to self soothe: swaddle with arms out or in?
My husband blames witching hour on my breastmilk
When did you first feel baby move?
What’s your comfort show you’ve rewatched a million times?
Baby clothes
When did you give birth to your first child compared to your due date?
If your baby sleeps fairly solid overnight, do you wake them to feed/initiate a feed or wait for them to cry?