Rentarou after Mimi dressed him up.
Next Episode is going to be Fire!!!
Besides Spider-Man who do you think Sam raimi could make a marvel movie for?
My friend and I made a tierlist on how much we like a couple of the RE characters, any thoughts???? who are your faves???
I have no words. 10/10 Masterpiece.
You’re out Guardiola!!!
What Happens If you Lock these two up in an Aslume Cell?
Game Companies in a Nutshell
Could this possibly be the best year in gaming?
Drive my car
What is the scariest game you've ever played?
What’s your favorite boss design in the franchise?
Devil May Cry 3 — Behind The Scenes Footage
GTA San Andreas Source Code Leaked - Final Thread
Just recently started Nier Automata and I hate how it took me this long to discover this game!!!
I want that Scum Prosecuted!!!
The Crew
What are their aslume names?
Nobel Prize!!! Nobel Prize!!!
If this turns out to be real, I May Cry Tears of Joy!!!
Who thought this would happen.
What’s a video game option that would leave you like this?
Any fights you would have loved to see that many don’t talk about? These two are my pick!