Missed tackle stats
Literally unpopular opinion: you are all wildly overreacting
If you have not watch Jet Lag:The Game before, which season will you start watching first?
Jet lag: the game UKNIGHTED KINGDOM
Why do people like Unity?
I heard we're diagramming the country-claiming mechanic.
Wales vs Ireland - Post Match Thread
New JetLag season premiere date confirmed
I have a question: If they reach their end location's train station do they win immediately or they have to walk to the end location?
I found the boys' favorite board game. Saw this at a con, and my first though was S12
What's your most liked snapshot?
Mobile players...I don't know how you do it.
I accidentally pulled on the wrong banner and got 4 pieces
Swedish national anthem in S12 Finale
I think the Wiki needs an Update
S12, E7 (Nebula) - We Played Hide And Seek Across Japan
Pre-Finale S12 Q&A
The two pictures of the new season were possible both taken before the game - almost exactly the same clothes and location (credit to u/dj88masterchief)
The hardest Jet Lag challenge for a Jet Lag fan
When did you start watching jetlag?
S12, E6 (Nebula) - We Played Hide And Seek Across Japan
Nice tweet from Ben about the new season
S13, Tom Scott, arbitrary speculation
Tentacles seem wrong