What are some good MP duos.
Does anyone have suggestions on which country is fun to play?
Help with Ireland
Kangaroo Jacked!
No one talks about the true struggle of being an engineering student
Engineers, what classes did you take your first year?
Ate it in San Ignacio, what to do in Placencia?
What faction are you playing at the moment? What's happening in your campaign?
took physics 1 finals am currently scared. does it get better after physics.
The not so mighty Carthage
What nation do you think is gonna be EU5's poster child?
I need an opinion
What's the most simple, cut-and-dry, easiest way you explain your MOS to people who don't know?
11 Days: Kamala Harris has not held a press conference since emerging as presumptive Democratic nominee
Best Total War DLC / Expansion / Update ever?
In your opinion what is the hardest and easiest factions to play (ss 6.4) also which is your fav
DAC 5 tips for High Elves?
I gotta admit, they had me in the first half
PSA: If you cannot understand the Fundamental Concepts, no matter how hard you try, you will never get the Technical Concepts
Which video game have you bought several times?
Zoomer Historian
This don’t look right
Did anyone pursue the Army Reserve?
Do you believe you are doing your best?