That was unexpected
Elon Musk concludes his speech with a Nazi salute.
Capitalist housing, San Fransisco, USA
Visste ni att Bill Clinton fortfarande är vid liv?
Elon Musk does extremist Nazi salute
Kan en amerikan få ett svenskt jobb?
What does this map say about me
Petah, why do "normal people" have one more stomach?
Normal east european city.
Straw-rizzle 🍓🍓 m to the I to the lick lick lick 😋😋😋
Gegenargumente zum Skandinavischen System
Map of all countries i have an issue with. Guess where i’m from
Should this evo get a nerf
Anon watches and learns
What color is my eye?
Is the Nordic model of the greatest good for the greatest number morally wrong?
Intressant tes angående gängkriminalitet
What is the reasoning for doing this?
Natural Transformation
Can I kill a mosquito by using a taser on myself ?
MY solution to the current crisis
Latin survived the Roman Empire and was an international language for another 1000+ years. English will likely be with us for at least that long, too.
Do you need to learn Surzhyk in your country? (map)
Sweden is one of the few countries in Europe where the Social Democrats are still leading in the polls
Vad är det för fel på svenska 50+ kvinnor?