Jennifer Hudson is an underrated black music icon
First Day And He's Reversing Everything
AIO, about to go nuclear over a text my kid's coach sent her.
Just finished my annual Christmas gift bags to 20 School Of The Arts students.
Jay Z accused of SA of 13 year old girl, did Beyoncé know?
I feel like I already know the answer but I’m kind of tweaking right now. 💀
Being the shy/quiet new girl at work is also hated by black women
Wendy’s making sure to keep me on the straight and narrow of not eating out 🫡
Question about Sex for Straight Women
What do we think about this?
Am I technically an Incel?
I purchased an exclusive license and now when I go to click on it some months later to use it, it says this. (traktrain)
Is random laughter a stim?
Burger King’s new watery shakes
Ethiopian men’s body preferences of women?
Did you do to your “black job” today?
Yo what is a "black job"?
Boomer’s NEED to talk to you on your lunch break
Would this make sense to do?
In 1990, you could feed a family of 3 for $10.84 at McDonald's
I don't know if I can do this anymore.
Where can I find ramen with lots of dried vegetables in the little pack?
Black Conservatives Why?
He saw a glimpse of his future
What are you wearing to sleep if you live with your partner?