Hour 3: I can’t take it anymore.
Wha units do you want to see as a ghb
Any Crash Bandicoot fans here? Can you guess on which criteria I matched these characters?
Start uploading at 10
Who should I save my masterball for?
Day 4! What 3 characters fill the roster next?
Chat be honest
Anni got me feeling like
RIP Hercule “Anticheat” Satan
How many stones we working with for next week??
What I am coping/hoping for
Let’s Make a smash game! Who’s fighter #14? Most upvoted comment wins!
Day 3! What characters fill the roster next?
Why is michelle obama dressed like the shadowman
Arden For CYL 9!
Wich indie characters would you add to Smash?
Who had the best reveal trailer?
All this anti Penni talk I see is stupid
[ALL] Would you prefer the next installment of Zelda to have a more realistic approach like Zelda OOT and Twilight Princess, or would you prefer them to continue with the Cel shaded approach? Artist: RwanLink
Ignoring ideal stats, which kart part combos suit each character the best? (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.)
Has the aldBay Man Played MTG on Stream
Looking for a specific episode
Best Places To Preorder
On one hand; chips beyond your wildest dreams. On the other; the chance of a god run.
Crazy Theory