What would you do if a woman sent you her bill in a bar/restaurant as a move ?
What is the most socially awkward thing you've ever done ?
what flaws or mistakes CAN you forgive in a woman ?
what is a kink or fetish you're ashamed of having ?
What’s a movie scene where an actor looked so gorgeous that it’s stuck in your brain forever?
how did your body change after being a teenager?
How do you approach women in public.
What surprised you the most of the opposite gender the first time you had sex?
Men, do you get hard just from a woman's voice ? how so ?
What do you like about the gender you are attracted to?
How would you feel if a lady wrote you a handwritten love letter?
What does ovulation/menstruation smell like in women?
have a woman ever lusted after you ? How did you feel ?
why do extroverted women hate my (F) guts, and group me out the minute they notice my introversion ? besides barely knowing me ?
why do extroverted women hate my (F) guts, and group me out the minute they notice my introversion, besides barely knowing me ?
What are some signs a man is physically attracted to a women?
What are pros and cons of being with a vary handsome man ?
How often do you flirt with women and try to get their number ?
Men, what is the most beautiful thing that a woman you love(d) has ever done for you?
what do guys actually think of girls who don't get dressed up ?
Ladies, what is your butt vs boobs equivalent with men?
What has made you see a girl as a dating option after only seeing her as a friend?
what do men feel about women being desperate in bed during the act?
What makes a woman great in bed?
What is something masculine women wear really well