Am I the only one who didn't like thiss "developments"?
Fav eden lyrics? Go!
I Found Out My Girlfriend Was Cheating and I Got My Revenge in the Worst Way Possible
What Movie Did You Watch that Traumatized You at a Young Age?
Does anyone have Nipple?
What were your thoughts on Echo?
So, since we know what Invisible Woman's abilities are
This question was probably already asked but here goes : will mister fantastic and invisible woman be playable in ranked right away ?
Do you enjoy the Echo series?
Shoutout to Netease for all the free skins
What's a game you thought you wouldn't like that surprised you?
Invisible Woman - [Malice] | Official Costume Showcase | Marvel Rivals
Same same but different
What would you consider to be a perfect film?
Best song outros?
Mister Fantastic Gameplay Trailer!
cant is Eden's saddest and most underrated song. Change my mind.
How scary is Alan Wake 2 ?
I just had a competitive match against a Dps Mantis
What crazy buffs would you like to be added to your main? For me it's converting damage dealt into heals
Need better settings for crosshairs/aiming so I can better. Please help :/
Should I play Devil May Cry 5 or Final Fantasy XVI ?
This is a message to those who don’t switch after being told to by the whole team
Which server is the most active overall ?