Enough time?
Thoughts and recommendations?? Can’t decide on the shape!
Still in awe that I have this plant!
My favorites 😍
Help! Plant drooping and dying after repotting
My monstera is yellowing please help
Help with my Thai Con
Monstera newbie over here…..
Please help me save my Monstera adansonii 😭🪴🙏🏻
What's going on here?
The most insane Monstera collection at a boba shop in San Ramon, CA
Help! How to save this monstera
Help! Oval or radiant?
Car accident advice
Is she variegated or just damaged ?
Bacterial infection?
Jose Buono
What’s up with my Anthurium?
How do I save my buddy here?
My Hoya isn't doing so hot. Help please!
That aerial root is so...horizontal lol
My Alocasia bloomed!
Who likes scindapsus?!
I ❤️ Monsteras!