Bientôt 1 ans sans travail 500+ CV déposés, je désespère...
Combien coûte une pinte de bière dans un bar chez vous ?
Ma vie est misère.
Why do people say Dofus actually starts at level 200, like most of the content is for lv 200s, pvp at this lvl is balanced, etc?
La réponse de Anne envers le reportage à charge diffusé sur elle dans Sept à Huit
Que gaspillez vous le plus au boulot ?
Salaire jeune diplomé
This man built a fully functional medieval-style castle by hand, using only tools and techniques from the 13th century.
What’s wrong with this perch?
Are these lead free?
Nas Daily makes yet another controversial video, this time mocking Mauritius. What's your take on this?
Damaged equipement and reimbursment - Can one be forced to reimburse?
Do we have women working as mechanical engineers in mauritius?
Do girls act different when they get the GF title? 31m 26f
The 2000 year old doors of the Saint John Lateran
PE Line Confusion
Beat the cost of living with this life hack
Has anyone purchased a car through Salim Auto before ? Are their cars reliable?
Can you guess what fish I’m targeting 🫣
What is LGBTQ+ culture like in Mauritius? Question from a Mauritian Australian
Dans quelle prison vont aller les 51 coupables du procès de Mazan ?
WIBTA if I don’t tell my boyfriend I did OF??
Who thought this was a good idea??
Just did it again it’s 50 pound braid the leader is 80 pound fluorocarbon I think I did better this time but idk
Questions concerning 13 , 14 ème mois and MRA CSG allowance