Finally got this resin to play nice
I found a big crack in my sword
Troubleshooting issue
Maybe a printing guru can help here. Im not sure whats wrong. I checked the LCD and its fine, feps fine, ive releveled the plate 3 times, increased the bottom layer count and burn in time, and transition layers.
What are the best AoS audiobooks?
Finished printing my Steel legion combat patrol just in time for the new codex! How would you all recommend I expand on this force? I imagine a tank heavy list since its SL.
GW should bring back targeting grids for vehicles!!!
I apologize sincerely if this is considered off-topic but I was told this community might appreciate the knight drawings I make.
Painted these awhile ago but looking for encouragement to get back into the hobby after divorce, never felt I was good but who does😅
Playing Deep Rock Galatic with a Black Dwarf is really quite something.
How many models do you batch paint at a time?
Dotty showing off O_O
Doretta got an armor upgrade!
Visiting a friend and their LGS was having a Christmas weekend sale. I don't need more in my pile, but at $135 sale price, it proved too hard to pass up.
I've been working on this animated scout cinematic for the past year, I hope you guys enjoy it!
I love the smell of promethium in the morning!
What are the lore implications of these tears here?
Has anyone found Da Red Gobbo on the Warhammer Community page?
I'm scared to play with randoms
Was reading the recent article about new RoR and noticed this funny typo. Got a kick out of it lol
What MtG guilds would each AoS army represent? Here's my take on Order.
Finished my Ironclad!
BF: Hardline is the best tactical game in the Battlefield franchise
Would this be good against Dreadnoughts?