I like my cpu+gpu like I like my woman...
If you go for anything else you my guy are a fanboy
If sixth sense got unlimited today will it become meta? or does it need to have a restriction(you cant' activate cards in hand for the rest of the turn/duel) ?
Winning 2 times in a row by embarrasment from opponent
Traurig, aber auch etwas lustig
toppom text
Guys, this is not only easy to summon, but can negate 3 times per turn literally
What are some decks you’d like to play, but you find them to be too complicated?
From Riot HQ:
My father taught me well!
Improvement for my all out Synchro deck
woman if real
How long will we tolerate Elon Musk and Donald Trump? How long till the americans and eventually the world will put a stop to this?
Only true men of culture will understand
24 errors testing my overclocked/undervolted rx 7800 xt
Is this enough to ship it?
I wanna overcock my cpu
Imagine rito implementing what wow has
Master duel Event Idea: 2 Decks, one for going first, one for going second
I wanna ship my old rx 6500 xt in a box of a rx 7800 xt
New "Yummy" Cards
Master Duel ist the friendliest F2P game we have (for PC & Mobile)