AITAH for not really caring that a girl I am talking to got assaulted
Signs from the universe or just OCD?
AIO for getting upset with how my ex speaks to my 10 year old daughter?
It's literally an addiction
Feeling guilty and regretting euthanizing my dog
Finish the sentence: «Since I'm CF, today I was able to...»
Am I the AITAH for kicking my mum out and considering leaving my husband
Unstable best friend having a baby
Someone Please Make This Make Sense
Rant: men shouldn’t need women to guide them in life
AIO about these emails my boyfriend got?
I hate myself for doing this to my body
If I am in love with someone and the feeling is mutual, I have obsessive thoughts that this person will die (from a heart attack, car accident, etc.). Is this a symptom of BPD?
I have a severe addiction to strangling myself and I can’t stop myself. I’m only fourteen and I have brain damage. How do I stop myself???
My boyfriend hit me for the first time in our two year relationship. Any advice?
i feel like shit all the time.
Anxiety relief?
I can’t wait to be childfree for the rest of my life
New to Psych
Cocaine is horrible
Anyone else finds therapy to be useless?
Why does the government reward people by giving them LARGE tax returns just because they have kids
AIO? I went through my bestfriend's phone without her permission.. she's 17 he's 26
How to make peace with the idea of my body possibly changing forever
Sugar addiction