U is for Unnie 🥺🚪 V is for...
what if your mom wrote this book about you?
Who hands a nuke obsessed scientist a blank check?
My favorite fictional trope: Gigantic Facilities/Factories
"Just wait till the Norway citizens are counting their coins at the grocery store..."
Kink or Comfort?
Which secondary character from TBBT should have an episode just about him?
I'm fairly certain...
Am I the only one who would wanna press O after this?
A rare double not op
I drew Soldier with top surgery scars because yes :)
I clean a few houses on the side. Found this under a rug, pls don't tell me they're not pulling the "if they don't bring the money to you, they didn't clean under the rug. if the money is gone, they stole from you" test
How often DO you use math in Python ?
Sheldons Knocks are one of the best parts L?
I was today n* hundred hours old, when I realized...
Do you call the players by their number or their names?
Please don't judge me too harshly, but...
My 74yo grandma who's learning English told me her Duo was crying cuz she made too many mistakes and she was sad but this is what she meant
Let's make a TF2 mod! Suggest anything and I'll implement the top comments into an official steam mod using the newly-released SDK.
Homeless and my tent was destroyed a few days ago. Now they come for my new bike.
as a white dude, what do i call n****s in paris
Musk doesn't understand what he finances
Why do people actually spend money to do this
What would you do if pyro was your roommate?