I hate Instagram.

Hello! I just wanted to share this because it really opens my eyes whenever I experience what I'm about to explain and I'm curious if anyone else feels the same.

For about a year I had Instagram deleted because it felt draining keeping up with so many people I didn't even talk to anymore. It felt draining getting on and scrolling endlessly on reels until my whole day vanished.

After a depressive state a few months ago I downloaded Instagram again just to get some laughs in, but instead I was met with weird AI videos and deleted it again. However, after I had a taste of it again after so long I could not stop redownloading, deleting, redownloading and it went that way over and over again until I just didn't bother deleting it for weeks.

Yesterday I realized once again I was not getting any work done around the house. I wasnt taking my dog on adventure and I was losing motivation to even go into work. I was comparing my body again, I had the worst brain fog, I didn't care much about spending quality time with people anymore, etc. I've officially deleted it once more and am hoping it sticks. I hope the brainfog goes away, I hope I can begin mediating and taking nature walks again. I know it'll take time to get back into that groove, but man I was so much happier.

I have a question, does anyone else feel this way? Does anyone get incredibly depressed when you're on your phone? Once you're in, do you find yourself unable to look away? Why is this? Thanks :) sorry it was all over the place I think Ive lost several brain cells lately.

Update: I just found out from my father that I was tested in middle school for ADHD related to devices(?). we don't know the exact term for it, but basically it is harder for me than others to put a device down. That being said everything makes sense now hahaha.

Thank you everyone for putting your perspectives on as well! It makes me feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one struggling with this. Much love and Godspeed!