I hate Instagram.
How much should I charge for overnight sitting?
My neighbours’ completely unhinged response about her dog barking outside of my bedroom all night. They left the dog outside and went on holiday.
Gf says that my standard combo of noodles and sardines looks like something straight out of Silent Hill
Does it look weird to not cover my dark circles?
Haven’t posted here in a bit but here are some more practice pieces I’ve tried
Please let this idiot be worthy of your artistic abilities.
I am running out of inspo and I would love to draw some of you !
This is my bf’s dog, Honey! Please go crazy with it
AIO for not wanting to respond to this girl at work?
Right hand drive, diesel Toyota Previa
The lovely lady I babysit for constantly overpays me, how should I react?
I feel like all my artwork lately is rlly bad
Why don't cops use crappy cars to catch criminals?
tell me who I am based on my writing ;)
Let Me Tell Ya Somethin
pretty please draw my pretty nala
No sound
what should i do with my propagated money tree?
How do I distance myself from my depressed and suicidal friend without being a shitty friend
Reading my Partners diary
Please help us name this sweet boy that my shelter is rescuing and taking in! Unique names appreciated. We believe he’s part Pharaoh Hound, if that helps!
I'm emotionally cheating my husband and my head is spiralling
WIBTA (22F) for trying mushrooms the same day my bf (24M) gets back from vacation
How would you list mercy skins in order of rarity?