Modules and effects for late-game?
Are the recommendations in this comment from 8 months ago still good?
Optimal late game build right now for tournaments:
AD: bounce chance, super crit chance, Super crit Mult, attack speed
DP: Super crit chance, Super crit multi, crit chance, attack speed
WR: Regen, wall health, def %, orb speed/dd
ACP: Regen, wall health, def %, shockwave cooldown
SH: EHLS, EALS, CPK, package max
GC: EHLS, EALS, CPK, package chance
DC: SL angle, CL chance, SL bonus, SM quantity, GT duration
Note: I wrote this ignoring the SM GC part since the top player has said they run hybrid in tournaments. I'm assuming if you were better than them, you wouldn't be asking this question.