Why Do So Many Girls Fall for Narcissists?
I was talking to someone the other day about relationships, and we got into the whole “why do so many girls fall for narcissists?” thing. Like, why do toxic people seem so attractive at first? It’s easy to say “just avoid red flags”..but let’s be real, if it were that simple, this wouldn’t be such a common problem.
The thing is, narcissists don’t show up looking like villains. They show up as confident, charming, and magnetic. And here’s where it gets messy...society actually encourages a lot of these traits in guys. We’re told that confidence is hot. That being bold and self-assured is attractive. That having “main character energy” is something to admire. And that’s true… until it’s not.
At first, a narcissist makes you feel like you’re the most important person in the world. The love bombing stage is intense. They mirror your best qualities, make you feel special, and their attention can feel addictive. But then the mask slips. That confidence starts looking more like control. That charm turns into gaslighting. And by the time you realize something’s off, you’re already emotionally invested.
So, is this really about girls choosing the wrong people..or are we lowkey conditioned to mistake narcissistic traits for strength and attractiveness? And more importantly..how do you unlearn that?
But fr, let’s talk, have you ever looked back and realized you fell for someone because of the same traits that later hurt you? Do you think society plays a role in what we find attractive?