Which dress should I pick?
Veil advice needed
Villages that are commutable to a larger city.
What does my brother’s fridge say about him?
My mom plays ACNH Part 3: she’s visiting so we are playing side by side and i glanced over AND LOOK AT HOW MANY NOOK MILES SHE HAS EXCUSE ME (what’s the most you’ve ever gotten/seen?)
Seven Tragedeighs
Why shouldn't I buy a used VW Polo from around 2017-2021-ish? Give me your horror stories 🤣 (don't worry I'll probably buy one anyway)
My friend kept a running list of the names she came across on Tinder
A new one for me
Weird chewing behavior
Send me your cat pics, and I’ll draw them!
We listen and we don’t judge
Pain for over a year - any idea what it could be?
Which is the movie that brings back nostalgia for you?
Help me choose!
How’s my friends handwriting and what does it say about him?
Veil or no veil?
Which is your favorite???
Second Grade Valentines List 💌
User Flair Thread
Beach Set Giveaway 🏖️☀️
In love with two dresses - help!
Help me Decide on a Dress