least obvious r/skyrim ragebait
Was browsing the Chimreddit and saw a Skyrim post where someone, probably a Nord, was asking what the massive white tower outside the map was
Prettiest Orcs after living another era under the Code of Incest
Immersion = feature I personally like
So what’s new?
Jimmy knows Niko?
Soybeards out!
I love when modders make thingamajigs.
Logic of the average Skyrim midwit
For a mage playthrough, is there a reason NOT to pick High elf?
Why is the dwarven armour shaped like this. I look like Lydia's goofy sidekick
What fishing ring farming does to a man
Situation in Syria
The real Oghma Infinium
Why aren't you playing Skyrim? Are you stupid?
Will Michael/Trevor comment on Franklin having improved his shooting if you level it up a lot?
Crime outside scripted main missions not worth it?
Interesting choice to not include Tilly
Skyrim’s winters may be cold, but warm Nord women make them bearable
How quickly do you like to move the story along in RDR 2?
What are Trick Shots? How do you do them?
Is this high enough honour for the high honor ending, if not do I have enough time to raise it before finishing chapter six?
Nothing wrong with a bit of khajiit Romance 🐈 🍆
Here I go. I'm so excited. First time playing. Any tips?