No, the BOM does not teach God could cease to be God
Pride flags banned from Utah schools and government buildings
Am I going to die? (math/econ)
r/Conservative open debate - Gates open, come on in
Why not just change the definitions of Lumpl and Goliath?
Advice on how to be successful?
The younger ones here know nothing of J Golden Kimball. Let's fix that.
Worshipping of Christ: Am I Overreacting?
If you are one of the men who believes women should “pick” or “choose better men”, can you explain what you mean?
CBS News Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Viewers Approve of Trump's Speech
Tim Walz says he might run for president in 2028 and the internet is just loving it
A case study of what’s ahead with Trump DEI crackdowns: Utah has already cut public college DEI initiatives
A Comprehensive Guide to American Regional Cuisine
This flag may be illegal in parts of Utah
What is your most controversial opinion about the Lord of the Rings movies?
Thought Experiment:
Easiest Civ 2 GE to take in summer
A not uncommon occurrence on campus
How do you defend the Book of Abraham?
Educate me: Philosophy, Theology, and LDS
English Is Now America's Official Language VIA Executive Order
Your thoughts on: Nietzsche and the restored LDS gospel
The US Forest Service flag is being flown upside down at Alta
The first night I was at the MTC my branch president had me read a card out loud that said that you couldn’t repent from masturbating unless you confessed to the proper authority. This was in 2006. Do they still do this?
I Miss Priesthood Session So Much