What job would you do if no matter what you made $300k/yr with a guaranteed retirement at 60 years old?
Over the years, what the fuck happened to Elon Musk?
You get to be famous for 3 years of your choosing
You get to choose your own birthday
Only if you dislike him: Your mind can be magically, instantly inserted into Elon's brain. Do you do it?
How many times will you get slapped in the face with your boss's dick for a 50% salary increase each time?
What pc game was first in your life?
Whats one thing you hate about current modern day society?
How would you like to reproduce if sex wasn't a thing?
Those who voted for Trump, what made you think "this is the one"?
You get 10,000 dollars every time you ejaculate for 24 hours, how much money do you make?
Would be my first car, 1995 base model 3000gt with 145k for 3k, is it worth it? Good buy?
Bush reacting to an extended silence during Trumps inauguration.
What are your thoughts the "transgender and nonbinary people don’t exist" executive order?
A doctor walks up to you and offers 2 million dollars per disability you take
Did you learn home economics in school growing up?
You are granted a 4 day work week. Do you take Friday or Monday off?
What temp do people keep their homes at in the winter?
Which route would you take? Top or bottom?
Twice a week you experience a ‘jump cut’ where for you, time skips ahead 10 seconds. It can happen at any time except while sleeping. You don’t have amnesia but are frozen for those 10 seconds. How much money would it take to do this for a year?
People of reddit, if you had to pick a single sound effect that played everytime you nutted, what would you pick?
Which pill will you choose?
I play the game on remote view. I finally check in on my Engineer and what do I see?!