Why is my context menu so dark, it's dark to read, does anyone know who to change it ?
I don't think he read that tweet correctly
Just beat the newly fan translated Tales of Rebirth, must play for anyone interested in it!!!
Yesterday was Valkyrie profile 25th birthday and I am sad that no one here made a post about it
PSP JRPG tier list
Hamauzu is king of game OST!!!
Anyway you should Play Thracia 776
PCSX2 Crashing, on Linux no signs as to why that's happening with in emulog.txt files.
"A comida brasileira não é lixo" ok então explica isso?
I get this notification after everytime I reset my compter what should I do ?
Thanks game very nice
Headphone with audio quality as good as huawei freebuds studio
How TF do I get up there to the Quinter Tample????
Fate/Extra Great Story Bad Gameplay.
VAIO present their new SX14-r laptop
Vaio announces their new VAIO SX14-R line up of laptops
What's a Good Browser for Android Tablet
Turning GNOME OS into a daily-drivable general purpose OS
System76 revived the Unix workstation!
Xuan-Yuan Sword Gaiden: The Gate of Firmament is not a bad game but it's a Drag to play.
Thanks to everyone the other day I was able to overcome those anoying eneimes called Phantom Gardians, tho one thing that no one mentioned is that you can use Rufus magic to silance them and make them much less capable.
This might be the most convoluted way to play Persona 5. Someone try to play P5 on a MacBook by installing Linux on it, then compiling the emulator to finally be able to play it
What happen to Ubuntu DDE ?
>Bets >AI >WhatsApp, isso é puro suco subdesenvolvidos.