Sauce adjacent? What a deal at Costco.
How do you calculate 18 x 7 in your head?
Best Restaurant Burgers (not burger joints)?
UES more hip ?
NYT Being out of touch again. Huge surprise!
Christmas Tree
Lowest ATM Fee
Donating Clothes
Does anyone have daycares they’d recommend?
Eagles Bar
What was “unimaginable” 10 years ago, but we’re now totally used to?
What inspires you to get up everyday?
Is there any job which is fairly paid?
Fixing Left Crank / Pedal Thread
What’s a movie you watched as a kid that traumatized you?
Daycare in LI
What are your favorite UES lunch specials?
Which celebrity do you suspect is up to something shady?
I, a solo female, survived Mexico City 😆
Is there a protest happening?
Whats new in ad tech?
I shit my pants
Sometimes I feel like a loser because I never got married or had kids
Great-grandfather’s (b.1924) collection of life advice
How do you bring little bottles of alcohol into shows?