User on r/ThreeBodyProblem thinks the show had a dumb and unrealistic portrayal of scientists. Career scientists in the comments disagree.
[Poem] Sestina: Like // A. E. Stallings
[POEM] Under the Railway Bridge by Lokenath Roy
[POEM] Sonnet by Billy Collins
May the MODERATOR stop taking down a published authors posts[Meta]
[Discussion] How are we doing? State of the subreddit check-in 2025
How has your year been, poetry-wise? [Opinion]
What are your favorite James Merrill poems? [OPINION]
[Discussion] How has your year been, poetry-wise?
[Help] Sonnets are stressing me out!
what are some of your most favourite fractal patterns
[OPINION] are these good poems or not, and why?
[Opportunity] Calling for Poetry Submissions
[OPINION] What's your thoughts on Wendy Cope?
[POEM] The Hand by Mary Ruelfe (, Originally from "Cold Pluto," 1996)
[POEM] TWO by Rod Mckuen.
[POEM]s "Godzilla" by Dan Campion and "Watching Godzilla in 3D" by Miles David Moore
[OPINION] Favourite Metaphor for Love?
[Poem] A Cup of Tea by Anonymous. It's sometimes a challenge to relax with all the entanglement in the world. In What ways do you guys relax?
[POEM] Rumi rules
How do you organize your work? [OPINION]
Do you write poetry with the goal of getting published? [OPINION]
[HELP] English Major completely lost with meter
[OPINION] Native speakers, please rate this translation
[Poem] The World Is Too Much With Us BY WILLIAM WORDSWORTH