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Can’t move unit
Welcome to the beginnings of Constellia's subreddit!
i summon you
Fun fact – as of now the least completed legacy path is exploration economic with under 5%
Unleash WHAT?
What's better/worse than a Volcano? Two Volcanos!
Why did he leave I don't get it smh my head
I’ve Searched the lyrics of I’m gonna give you up but instead it directed me to this.
I ended up in an empty server with no channels and no way to invite people. I also can't leave it
I lost on turn 2 to a river flood
Update 1.1.0 is coming March 4 + New Development Roadmap
There’s no kill quite like overkill
Civ 7 Steam icon now updated to thematically match with Civ 5 and Civ 6!
Why can’t I take this city?
Everyone keeps declaring war on me
Democracy is pointless in civ 7
How is this even possible
Tulsa Opera used AI to make all the art for this season’s shows. I’m truly disappointed.
Which update style do you like?
Totally not a design flaw
Hmm, i guess Russia is in Trouble
Why can I not build a dam here?