Terminal burrowing or “hide and die” syndrome, typically seen with those who die from hypothermia, is a phenomenon that occurs when a person is near death and hides in a last ditch effort to get warm.
What really happened in the Dyatlov pass incident?
Scipio was a better general than Hannible
Reichsminister Elon Goebbels promluvil k národu - 20. ledna 2025, kolorizováno.
West Germany / Leopard 1 reveal stream
average large sinai uptier in the bkan (art by me)
Would a mechanised Infantry Regiment use Artillery ?
Trump už první den v úřadu zrušil genderové zákony, USA uznávají jen dvě pohlaví
And the comments are even more tankie
So much has happened
coaxed into subreddit amalgamation
We could do with some more non English posts around here to alienate non-euros
the left subreddit hypocrisy
What the hell is a hunter and why is it a parental figure
I found this
Jsem rád, že jsem dochodil školku v době, kdy největší challenge byla Ice Bucket Challenge. Dvě zmagořený děcka v jeden den a to máme teprve 20 ledna.
Školní mafie
'United for Action' — American Catholic cartoon (23 January 1948) showing a Catholic knight calling on all 'Believers in Christ' to battle the communists, 'The Common Enemy'.
The transfer of the hostages to the red cross today
How to contact Alfabusa?
Thoughts on how to make 4th armored less completely ass
Right now Shir 2s L15A5 has exact same stats as L15A3. Do you think its just a placeholder? And if it will be fixed could we get it for chieftains MK 3 and 5 so they have reserchable shell? (They could use sligth buff anyway)
Don't say you enjoy SPAA to a War Thunder player. Worst mistake of my life