What am I doing wrong? (Housing)
What's something the writers did that felt forced?
What's an underrated scene you love?
Hierarchy of strength
Women Safety In Cork
Is it an irish thing to ignore the fact that you are sick?
Is Cork a good city for a young student?
5 year old chardonnay - still drinkable?
Feeling isolated in Cork
Guard on Exit 10 to Mahon! Am I in trouble for crossing Yellow light?
What detail, mannerism or quirk about a character just *bugs* you for no good reason?
Tourist etiquette
What's your solution too all the homeless/drug addicts around the city?
Irish influence
One of my favourite albums ever
Ministry of diaspora list of most dangerous European countries for Israelis
It is kinda overrated
Is the City Centre really that dangerous?
r/vinyl Holiday Giveaway! Comment to enter. Round 4.
New vinyl on the way
Vape juice in eye
Do you see things when you read?
Should I be annoyed about this?
Abuse in schools in 60s/70s
Bethenny (1994) 😳