i wonder how long you could last on this ride [f]
I’m not just flirting... I’m making you want me
This is what you'd wake up to if we were dating
can my titties turn you on
Just because I'm married doesn't mean it's not usable
Come with me, please
I want you to eat me out before we fuck
I don’t always like hookups because I prefer it raw and with cuddles after
You could easily cover them with your thick load papi
What series should have ended sooner to avoid ruining its legacy?
People who say taxation is theft. How else do you suggest the government gets the funds for roads, military, education excetera?
What’s the funniest or most awkward thing that’s happened to you while on a date?
What is the worst/ funniest business name you’ve seen?
What’s your favorite scent?
What is your cheat code for staying energized through the day?
Redditors who deleted Instagram and other socials media and committed to it, what did it do for you and your well being?
What movie is a must watch after finishing 12 angry men?
What’s the funniest rumor you heard about yourself?
What is a lesson you learned the hard way?
Parents of Reddit: What should single dudes know about being a dad?